
Thank you for taking the time to fill this out!

This survey is only 10 questions, should only take about 5 minutes, and if you provide your address at the end - we're going to send out stickers to the first 50 people who do so! One entrant will also be chosen at random to receive a Digby plushy!

PS: Digby typed most of this himself so please forgive any typos -- he has very very small hands.

Question Title

* How much of season one have you listened to?

Question Title

* Did listening to our show change what you thought 'folklore' was?

Question Title

* What is the most memorable thing that you learned from our podcast?

Question Title

* Which episode is your favorite, or stood out most to you?

Question Title

* Why that episode?

Question Title

* We've experimented with several different ways to present the show.
How did you feel about each of the following?

  Love Like Neutral Dislike
Lighter topics:
The fictional narrative:
Multiple interview guests in a single episode:
Opening vignettes:
One interview guest per episode:
Varying the format each episode:
Darker topics:

Question Title

* How would you describe the podcast in one sentence?

Question Title

* If you could change one thing about the podcast, what would it be?

Question Title

* What are two other podcasts that you frequently listen to?

Question Title

* Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?

Question Title

* (OPTIONAL) What's your address?

If you're among the first 50 people to respond, you'll get stickers! Also, one entry will be selected at random to win a Digby plushy!