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Dialogues to RISE:

A series of annual multidisciplinary dialogues and sources of collective action focused on addressing the lack of diversity in the disciplines of audiology, hearing science, otology, and related fields (“the hearing disciplines”).
These Dialogues will focus on all groups underrepresented in the hearing disciplines, including race, socioeconomic position, and disability.
RISE stands for
1) Recognize that our lack of attention to diversity and inclusion within our professions  has led to severe threats to  inclusive patient care, equitable clinical outcomes, and research that is generalizable across populations. 

2) Increase equitable access to and retention of underrepresented people pursuing graduate and medical degrees in the hearing disciplines, while providing a sense of belonging and community. Sessions will include discussions of ways in which access to advanced education can be expanded and assured for people from all groups currently underrepresented in the hearing disciplines.

3) Support all members of the community in becoming allies through education in appropriate mentorship, sponsorship, anti-ableism and anti-racism action.

4) Evaluate our success regularly and hold ourselves accountable to affecting real change.
The Dialogues to RISE will take place in coordination with an established meeting in the hearing disciplines, rotating among meetings each year.

This survey will help us plan the Dialogues to RISE conferences. Please let us know your interest in attending and/or contributing to such conferences and how we could organize the conference so that participation would be most convenient for you.

Thank you so much for your time. This survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.

Dialogues Committee Representatives
Karen Beverly-Ducker, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 
Matt Bush, University of Kentucky, College of Medicine
Laura Coco, Oregon Health and Science University, Dept. of Veterans Affairs

Sumit Dhar, Northwestern University, American Auditory Society 
Judy Dubno, Medical University of South Carolina, Acoustical Society of America
Erick Gallun, Oregon Health and Science University, American Auditory Society
Hernan Goldsztein, AAO-HNS
Antony Joseph, Illinois State University, American Academy of Audiology
Ruth Litovsky, University of Wisconsin, Association for Research in Otolaryngology
Nicole Marrone, University of Arizona
Jamila Minga, Duke University

Carrie Neiman, Johns Hopkins Medicine 
Peggy Nelson, University of Minnesota, Acoustical Society of America
Angela Shoup, University of Texas at Dallas, American Academy of Audiology
Jessica Sullivan, Hampton University
Heather Weinreich, University of Illinois, College of Medicine, American Auditory Society

Question Title

* 1. Rate your interest in attending a Dialogues Conference associated with each of these meetings:

  Not interested Somewhat interested Very interested
AAA (American Academy of Audiology)
AAO/HNS (American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery)
AAS (American Auditory Society)
ARO (Association for Research in Otolaryngology)
ASA (Acoustical Society of America)
ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association)

Question Title

* 2. Please rate your preference for attending a Dialogues conference associated with your organizational conference during the following times:

  Not interested Somewhat interested Very interested
Before the meeting (one day)
Before the meeting (two days)
During the meeting (early morning)
During the meeting (lunchtime)
During the meeting (evening)
After the meeting (one day)
After the meeting (two days)

Question Title

* 3. We know that COVID is a large factor in choosing whether and how to attend conferences at this time. Please rate your interest in attending in person or virtually, given various COVID scenarios:

  Not interested in attending Interested in attending in person Interested in attending virtually
If COVID case rates are low in the US
If COVID case rates are moderate in the US but travel is still allowed
If COVID case rates are high in the US but travel is still allowed

Question Title

* 4. Please rate your willingness to pay the following registration rates:

  Not interested Somewhat interested Very interested

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the donation amount you would be willing to make towards holding a Dialogues Conference, creating a virtual Dialogues infrastructure, and providing support for those who would not otherwise be able to attend:

  $0 $25 $100 $250 $1000 $5000
Holding a Dialogues Conference
Creating a virtual Dialogues infrastructure
Providing support for those who would not otherwise be able to attend

Question Title

* 6. Please indicate your interest in the following types of participation:

  Not interested Somewhat interested Very interested
Help Organize

Question Title

* 7. If you would like to be contacted in the future about Dialogues to RISE, please enter your contact information below.

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