
Over the last 18 months, communities across East Lothian have been talking about what life is like if you have dementia and what it means to be dementia friendly. A number have held community events and more are planned. Individuals and organisations are learning about dementia and building relationships with people with dementia.

People are raising money to be used to support dementia friendly activities where they live.

As our Dementia Friendly Communities grow across East Lothian we want to know what help and support you need to make your aspirations a reality. We also want to know if you see a value in working and learning together across East Lothian and with other Dementia Friendly Communities across the UK and beyond.

Dementia Friendly East Lothian was originally set up to support local communities to start off their own conversations. It has provided a mix of ad hoc support and encouragement but this is a good time to take stock of what support, if any, local communities feel they need over the next year or so and to explore how best to ensure this is available in the right way for you. We will use this information to determine what Dementia Friendly East Lothian does over the next year.

Question Title

* 1. Name of individual or group

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* 2. Contact email and/or telephone number

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* 3. I am interested in Dementia Friendly East Lothian because...

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* 4. My own priority for Dementia Friendly communities in East Lothian/My area is...

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* 5. The most valuable thing we could achieve is...

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* 6. I'd be satisfied if we achieved ...

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* 7. To do this, I/we would need help with:

  Essential Important not as important
keeping us/me up to date with dementia information/knowledge
running dementia awareness sessions
training us to run our own awareness sessions
helping us with awareness-raising about dementia locally
helping us to work in partnership with others
helping us to engage our communities
helping us find funds and resources for our work
access to leaflets and information etc for events and days
specific advice on dementia issues
handling money raised by local groups
advice on how to develop an organisation or charity
finding us rooms or places for events
learning from other dementia friendly communities
information on what's available for people with dementia in East lothian
information on who to talk to influence things
practical support to enable people with dementia to be more directly involved
encourage and enthuse
chance to talk about dementia and find out more
keeping dementia on the agenda

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* 8. What can you or your organisation offer Dementia Friendly East Lothian?

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* 9. Dementia Friendly East Lothian's current role is to support communities to look at how they can be more dementia friendly. Do you think we should expand our role beyond this?

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* 10. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?

Thank you for your time in completing this survey, please keep in touch.
You can email:

This survey will close at the end of June 2015.