Business Survey: Factors affecting M&A integration and carve-out success

Dear Survey Participant,

Global PMI Partners is conducting the 2019 annual survey.

Invited to the survey are C-level executives, senior M&A professionals and private equity dealmakers involved in M&A deals, transactions, carve-outs and M&A integrations from all around the world.
We will in this survey ask you a series of questions about your most recent M&A experience to explore the post-deal execution factors influencing success and value creation. Global PMI Partners are M&A integration and carve-out practitioners and the survey has a large number of questions to explore all dimensions of the topic. So, the survey is driven by our desire at Global PMI Partners to learn, understand, improve, mitigate risks and develop new ideas, methods and tools to increase the success of acquisitions and carve-outs. The results will benefit both deal makers and practitioners. 

We will send you the survey results if you have entered your email address and it will take some 20-30 minutes to complete.

The survey data will be analyzed and explored by us in articles in our regularly published newsletter and will also available to be used in academic research.

Thank you for taking our survey! We value your time and feedback.

-Global PMI Partners
10% of survey complete.