Welcome to the Online Validation Survey of the profile of the Data Practitioner.

This survey is part of a three year project supported by National Science Foundation funding and led by the Oceans of Data Institute at Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC). The project's aim is to assist community colleges in the development of curricula and courses that contribute to the development of career pathways in big data. Drawing upon the knowledge and experience of experts in the field of big data, EDC is facilitating the development of products that will provide resources to faculty as they design programs aimed at preparing students for careers in data/ big data.

The first of these products is an occupational profile of the Data Practitioner. The profile describes what it is that a Data Practitioner needs to know and be able to do to be successful in the workplace.  It was developed by a panel of Data Practitioners representing a variety of industry sectors under the guidance of senior EDC staff.  

For the purposes of this study, the panel developed the following definition of a Data Practitioner:

The Data Practitioner, in service of an organization and/or stakeholders, supports the data life cycle by collecting, transforming, and analyzing data, and communicating results in order to inform and guide decision-making.

The questions in this validation study address six major areas of responsibility (duties) identified by the panel as important to a Data Practitioner:

1. Initiates the Project

2. Sources the Data

3. Transforms the Data

4. Analyzes the Data

5. Closes Out the Project

6. Engages in Professional Development

The survey that follows asks you to review and comment upon the panel's description of the work activities incumbent upon Data Practitioners. Your responses will help determine the extent to which the panel has adequately defined the occupation of Data Practitioner. All responses will be handled confidentially, and only aggregate data will be used for meta-analysis.

Completing this survey should take approximately 30-45 minutes.

If you experience any technical difficulties, please email Joe Ippolito- jippolito@edc.org. Thank you!