Dear Valued Customer of Dairy Market News,

Dairy Market News is developing a strategic plan to guide the organization for the next three to five years. As part of this initiative, Strategic Consulting Partners (SCP) is collecting customer feedback to support the strategic planning process.

As a Customer of Dairy Market News, your input is valuable in this process!

Thank you for completing this online inquiry to provide your ideas, input, and feedback.

  • Completing the inquiry takes about 5 minutes.
  • All responses are confidential, therefore, you can be open and honest in sharing your thoughts and ideas.
  • All data collected will be summarized by the SCP Team before sharing with Dairy Market News Leadership.

Please complete the inquiry by April 25, 2024.

If you have any questions about the inquiry or use of the data, please reach out to Amy Fazio, at

Thank you for supporting Dairy Market News in developing its Strategic Plan!