Synodality means asking "How can we as a Church grow and journey together?" So, let's dream about the Church we are called to be - becoming better witnesses to the Gospel! During this time, we are all invited to listen to one another in order to hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Just as Jesus reached out to all, no one is excluded from participating - we invite you to share your ideas with us.

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* 1. How would you describe Jesus’ presence in your life?

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* 2. Where do you see Jesus at work in your local community? (Check all that apply)

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* 3. Where do you see a need for the healing power of Jesus in your life or in your community?

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* 4. What or who helps you to know God more fully? (Check all that apply)

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* 5. What steps do you hear the Holy Spirit asking us to take to deepen our commitment to the Church’s mission of spreading the Gospel and making disciples?

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* 6. What could the Church do (if anything) to help you and to become a more meaningful part of your life?

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* 7. When you pray and listen within your small and larger group meetings– what are you hearing in the parish and/or broader community relating to the Church?

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* 8. Following the listening, are there things you are doing that you are finding effective in reaching out, listening, and responding to what you have heard? We would like to hear your experience and share with others.