The Ralph C. Cooper Veterinarian of the Year Award is given annually to the person who is recognized by his or her colleagues as having given the most of themselves in time, energy, and ideas to the veterinary profession in the state of Louisiana.

Criteria for Nomination:
  • Nominee must be a member in good standing in the LVMA.
  • Nominee must have had a positive influence in promoting animal health and welfare in the community as well as within the profession.
  • Nominee should be of good character and well respected by colleagues. 
  • Nominee should be presently or previously active in local, state, and/or national veterinary associations. 
  • Nominee should have shown an outstanding contribution to organized veterinary medicine either through their work or through their actions and public awareness.
  • Current LVMA Board of Directors members are not eligible for nomination.

Question Title

* 1. Nominee Information:

Question Title

* 2. Local, State, and National Committees Served on and Positions Nominee Held:

Question Title

* 3. Describe nominee participation in promoting animal health and welfare:

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* 4. Describe any other activity which should make this individual a good candidate for the Veterinary of the Year:

Question Title

* 5. Nominated by