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* 1. Let's learn a little about you.

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* 2. Have you read a digital magazine for youth before?

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* 3. Of these editorials listed, which one did you like the most?

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* 4. Have you ever added a comment or question to any of the 'YOUR TURN' invitations in ABAJUB digi-mag?

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* 5. How did clicking, swiping and moving around the magazine work for you?

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* 6. How did you get your copy of this digi-mag? You might ask an adult to help you answer this.

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* 7. How would you rate this issue of ABAJUB? With '5 STAR' being the highest rate, select how many stars you would give it.

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* 8. What could be added to the ABAJUB digi-mag so that you'd enjoy it more?

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* 9. Any other messages you have for B! We'd love to hear your thoughts!

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* 10. In case you win the prize, can you give us your contact info? Perhaps have an adult check the information to be sure it is right!