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* 1. Please complete the information below

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* 2. Is journalist in your country considered as “essential workers’’ in the COVID-19 pandemic?

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* 3. Do journalists in your country suffer more restrictions since the COVID-19 pandemic?

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* 4. Which group of workers and in which sector in the media are mostly affected in your union/assocation financially (i.e. loss of jobs, cuts in salary, etc.)?

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* 5. How is your union/association affected by the Covid-19 pandemic? (e.g. loss of income, difficulty in reaching out to members, etc.)

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* 6. Do you have any strategy plan/campaigns/funding related to COVID-19 to help journalists regarding their employment, working conditions, media freedom, etc.?

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* 7. Do you have any dialogue/initative with the employers organisation to make arrangement for journalists regarding their health and safety, work-life balance,

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* 8. What can the EFJ do to help your union/association?

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* 9. Do you know that the EFJ has created a special section on dedicated news related to the impact of COVID-19 on media, including actions, best practices and development from the EFJ members as well as initiatives that are important for journalists and their unions and association.

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* 10. Do you find these information helpful?

Thank you for taking your time and respond to this questionnaire