Wheelchair Sports Alberta Future Online Engagement Survey

The WSA Online Engagement Survey will be used to gauge interest in online resources to encourage activity for all members in 2021. Working with the other provinces, WSA is hoping to share workout ideas and webinars to our community. Please answer the questions to the best of your ability, we will use the results to gauge interest in what online resources to provide to our members. Your responses will be compiled with other survey participants and will be reported in an aggregate format only. No individual responses will be made public and individual participants will not be identified within the report unless you have provided personal information such as email or phone number.

The survey should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. While complete responses will assist us in understanding the needs of all participants, none of the questions are mandatory and you are not obliged to answer any questions you feel uncomfortable with.

We thank you in advance for your participation. Your input is greatly appreciated!

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact:

Rachel Kuz, Technical Director 403-396-0676 rachel@wheelchairsportsalberta.com

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33% of survey complete.