Orchard Park Questionnaire

The aim of this questionnaire is to gauge the level of satisfaction with the new Orchard Park in the Orchard development in the Stonebridge community. Your response will be used to support discussions with the City of Ottawa to enhance the overall suitability of the park for our community. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

Question Title

* 1. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the new Orchard Park?

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* 2. How satisfied are you with the following characteristics of the Orchard Park?

  Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Park safety (physical features)

Wood chips in play structure areas
Topography (slope)
Park features (play structures)
Suitability for older kids
Space for children to play
Amount of seating

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* 3. If you indicated dissatisfaction to any of the above characteristics, please outline your concerns below.

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* 4. How interested are you in seeing other features added to the park?

  Very interested Somewhat interested Neither interested nor disinterested Somewhat disinterested Very disinterested
Level playing field

Basketball court
Topography (slope)
Picnic tables
Splash pad

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* 5. Please suggest any other park features you are interested in that are not mentioned above.

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* 6. Would you like to receive updates on efforts to enhance the Orchard Park? If so, please provide your e-mail address below.

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* 7. Are you interested in volunteering your time to participate in efforts to improve the Orchard Park?

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* 8. We would appreciate any additional information or comments that you have to help in improving the Orchard Park for your Stonebridge community.

Stay connected in the Stonebridge community by visiting us on our website at www.stonebridgeca.com and our Facebook page.