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* 1. How long is your vehicular work commute each way?

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* 2. Which ONE of the following most closely indicates your opinion of resilience/sustainability in the workplace?

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* 3. Enter your level of agreement with the following:

  strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
HVAC refrigerants are potent greenhouse gases
Methane is a potent greenhouse gas
Trees and oceans absorb CO2 which reduce CO2 in the atmosphere
Carbon footprint includes carbon emissions from fossil fuel usage
Consumption of chicken and salmon is a lower carbon footprint than beef
High post-consumer recycle content paper is lower carbon footprint than regular paper
Governments should regulate emissions

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* 4. Select any statement you feel is true.

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* 5. Enter your level of confidence participating with the following:

  least confident somewhat confident confident very confident
Recycling in general
Using public transportation
Choosing local/sustainable food options
Setting your company's non-essential electronics to sleep mode or off at night
Turning off your non-essential lights when not in use
Using double-sided printing of documents
Procuring recycled content paper
Procuring Energy Star certified devices
Deploying an energy audit for your home or business

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* 6. Rank the effectiveness of the following measures to reduce local climate impacts

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* 7. Which strategy is the most important to you?  Pick one only.