Flight Crew Survey on Flight Path Management Training and Operational Procedures |
Dear Line Pilot,
The Flight Safety Foundation, Asia Pacific Centre for Aviation Safety, in collaboration with IFALPA, is conducting a survey to assess the implementation of Flight Path Management (FPM) principles, training, and operational procedures within airlines across the Asia Pacific region. This is to help determine if there are any gaps in FPM training.
It is important to obtain the opinion of line pilots who undergo training and operate on a day to day basis as an effective way to gauge the effectiveness of the training which you receive.
To ensure confidentiality of submissions, all individual submissions will be aggregated when the results are provided to the airlines.
With the aggregated data from the result of this Survey, the individual airlines can gather detailed insights into the main gaps in FPM for pilot competencies and develop targeted strategies to address these gaps.
Your participation will help us understand the current status of FPM and identify best practices to enhance aviation safety.