CUPPAD and Partridge Creek Farm have collaborated to develop the following survey on the topic of quality of life in the city of Ishpeming. Responses from this survey will be used in developing the update to the Ishpeming Master Plan, and for the expansion of offerings from Partridge Creek Farm, including the upcoming Jasperlite Intergenerational Farm project.

Growing Future Farmers, Healthy Eaters, and Leaders Community Voice Events
Partridge Creek Farm will be hosting four events in the community to share the results of this survey and elicit feedback for upcoming projects. If you're able, please join us for one of these events on the upcoming dates: 

Virtual (Zoom), Tuesday October 12, at 11:30am EST (
Ishpeming High School Annex (Childcare provided), Tuesday October 12, at 6:00pm EST
Ishpeming Senior Center, Tuesday October 19, at 11:00am EST
Ishpeming Carnegie Library, Tuesday October 19, at 3:30pm EST

Refreshments will be provided, and participants at the in-person events will have an opportunity to receive a $20 gift certificate for their participation. Please provide your information at the end of this survey if you would like to attend.

Your participation is voluntary and you do not have to answer every question. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey and we appreciate your feedback.