Congratulations on your impending graduation! We are very interested in your experiences as a college student. This form has been designed to provide feedback that can help improve the college experience. The survey will take approximately five minutes to complete. Please select the appropriate response option which represents your opinion honestly.
Thank you very much for your participation. Wishing you a great journey ahead.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your full name as it appears on official documents.

Question Title

* 2. Please provide your date of birth in the following format: ' MM/DD/YYYY'.


Question Title

* 3. Please enter your personal contact details (home contact details that is not associated with SAU)

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate your enrollment year from the list below: (Select one response only)

Question Title

* 5. Please indicate your current enrollment status below: (Select one response only)

Question Title

* 6. Please indicate your residence status.

Question Title

* 7. What is your expected graduation term?

Question Title

* 8. What is your gender identity?

Question Title

* 9. Are you:

Question Title

* 10. Please indicate the highest degree you (A) will have earned as of June 2024 and (B) plan to complete eventually at any institution. (Select one in each column)

  Highest Earned Highest Planned
Bachelor’s degree (B.A., B.S.)
Master’s degree (M.A)

Question Title

* 11. Please list any reasons, motivations, or factors that may have influenced your choice of highest degree planned at any institution.

Question Title

* 12. What is your sexual orientation?

Question Title

* 13. How often in the past year did you:

  Frequently Seldom Never
Support your opinions with a logical argument
Seek solutions to problems and explain them to others
Look up scientific research articles and resources
Explore topics on your own, even though it was not required for a class
Accept mistakes as part of the learning process

Question Title

* 14. On a scale of 1-7, with 1 being the most remote and 7 being the most urban:

  Most remote Remote Most rural Rural Most suburban Suburban Most Urban
How remote/urban would you characterize the hometown you lived in during most of your high school experience.

Question Title

* 15. Since entering college, indicate how often you: (Select one in each row)

  Not at all Seldom Occasionally Frequently Always
Discussed course content with students outside of class
Failed to complete homework on time
Came late to class
Performed community service as part of a class
Missed class due to employment
Missed class for other reasons
Tutored another college student
Met an advisor/counselor about your career plans
Fell asleep in class
Texted or used social media during class
Had difficulty getting the courses you needed
Demonstrated for a cause (e.g., boycott, rally, protest)
Challenged a professor's ideas in class
Communicated regularly with your professors
Contributed to class discussions
Helped raise money for a cause or campaign.
Publicly communicated your opinion about a cause (e.g., blog, email, petition)

Question Title

* 16. How many months since entering college (including summers) did you work on a professor’s research project? (Select one response only)

Question Title

* 17. How would you characterize your political views? (Select one response only)

Question Title

* 18. Since entering college, have you

  No Yes N/A
Been placed on academic probation
Failed one or more courses
Taken a remedial course
Taken an ethnic studies course
Taken a women's studies course
Withdrawn from school temporarily
Taken an honors course.
Participated in a campus program that promotes STEM careers (e.g. BUILD, MARC, HHMI, S-STEM)
Completed a culminating experience for your degree (e.g., capstone course/project, thesis, comp exam)
Taken courses from more than one institution simultaneously
Taken a course exclusively online

Question Title

* 19. Which of the following best describes your enrollment history? (Select one response only)

Question Title

* 20. Did you participate in a transfer preparation program at this institution before
enrolling here?

Question Title

* 21. How many courses taken at another institution were accepted for credit here?

Question Title

* 22. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the
following about your transfer experience

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree N/A
I received helpful advice about the right courses to complete the requirements to transfer
The courses I took prepared me for the academic demands here
The guidelines for transferring to this institution were easy to understand
There was helpful online information available about how to transfer here (e.g. websites)
I worked with a transfer specialist/advisor from this institution to apply or choose courses

Question Title

* 23. Since transferring to this institution, how often have you:

  Not at All Occasionally Frequently N/A
Participated in transfer-focused programs/activities
Interacted with other transfer students
Sought information specific to transfer students
Interacted with students who did not transfer
Felt excluded from campus events because you are a transfer student
Felt overwhelmed by academic expectations

Question Title

* 24. Since entering this college, how has it been to:

  Very Difficult Difficult Neither Difficult nor Easy Easy Very Easy
Understand what my professors expect of me academically
Develop effective study skills
Adjust to the academic demands of college
Manage my time effectively
Get to know faculty
Get to know my way around campus
Figure out which requirements I need to graduate
Make friends
Become involved in campus activities
Pursue opportunities to study abroad

Question Title

* 25. Please indicate your agreement with each of the following statements.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree
Campus leadership communicated effectively regarding the pandemic
My institution's pandemic response considered the health and safety of students
Campus leaders made appropriate decisions with respect to in-person operations on campus
I feel safer when others wear masks while sharing an indoor space with me.

Question Title

* 26. Is there anything you wish to share about how the pandemic affected your college experience or career plans?

Question Title

* 27. How many courses are you taking this term with pass/fail grading (as opposed to letter grading)? (Select one response only)

Question Title

* 28. To what extent have you experienced the following with students from a racial/ethnic group other than your own? (Select one in each row)

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
Dined or shared a meal
Had meaningful and honest discussions about race/ethnic relations outside of class
Pursued (by), dated, or otherwise intimately involved
Felt understood
Had guarded, cautious interactions
Shared personal feelings and problems
Had tense, somewhat hostile interactions
Had intellectual discussions outside of class
Felt insulted or threatened because of your race/ethnicity
Felt ignored or invisible because of your race/ethnicity
Studied or prepared for class
Socialized or partied

Question Title

* 29. How would you rate yourself in the following areas: (Select one in each row)

  A Major Weakness Somewhat Weak Average Somewhat Strong A Major Strength
Ability to see the world from someone else’s perspective
Tolerance of others with different beliefs
Openness to having my own views challenged
Ability to discuss and negotiate controversial issues
Ability to work cooperatively with diverse people
Ability to manage my time effectively

Question Title

* 30. During the past year, how much time did you spend during a typical week: (Select one in each row)

  None Less than 1 hour 1-2 hours 3-5 hours 6-10 hours 11-15 hours More than 16 hours
Studying with other students
Working with classmates on group projects
Socializing with friends
Using social media
Participating in student clubs/groups
Watching TV/online video content (e.g., Amazon, Hulu, Netflix, YouTube)
Working (for pay) on campus (remote included)
Working (for pay) off campus
Performing household/childcare duties
Meditating/Participating in a mindfulness activity
Career planning (e.g., job searches, networking)

Question Title

* 31. Please indicate your agreement with each of the following statements. This institution has contributed to my: (Select one in each row)

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree
Intellectual and practical skills (including inquiry and analysis, critical thinking, and information literacy)
Knowledge of people from different races/cultures
Understanding of global issues
Understanding of national issues
Understanding of the problems facing my community
Problem-solving skills
Foreign language ability
Preparedness for employment after college
Preparedness for graduate or advanced education
Ability to conduct research

Question Title

* 32. Please rate your satisfaction with the services offered in each of the following areas: (Select one in each row)

  Extremely Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Extremely Satisfied N/A
General education or core curriculum courses
Laboratory facilities and equipment
Library resources
Technology resources
Tutoring or other academic assistance
Academic advising
Mentoring received from faculty
Mentoring received from staff
Student housing (e.g., residence halls)
Financial aid package
Student health services
Student psychological services
Career-related resources and support
Campus safety services (e.g., Safe Walk, Public Safety/Police Dept.)

Question Title

* 33. Please rate your satisfaction with your school in each area: (Select one in each row)

  Extremely Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Dissatisfied nor Satisfied Satisfied Extremely Satisfied
Courses in your major
Contact with faculty
Class size
Relevance of coursework to everyday life
Relevance of coursework to career plans
Overall quality of instruction
Overall sense of community among students
Availability of campus social activities
Respect for the expression of diverse beliefs
Racial/ethnic diversity of the student body
Racial/ethnic diversity of the faculty
Overall experience

Question Title

* 34. What is the average grade you received during your college career, both overall and in your major?

  A or A+ A- B+ B- C
Overall GPA
Primary Major GPA

Question Title

* 35. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: (Select one in each row)

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree
Faculty showed concern about my progress
Faculty empowered me to learn here
I have been able to talk to a campus mental health professional when needed
There is a lot of racial tension on this campus
I feel a sense of belonging to this campus
At least one staff member has taken an interest in my development
I plan to remain engaged with this college as an alum (e.g., campus events, fundraising, admissions)

Question Title

* 36. Since entering college, have you: (Select Yes or No for each item)

  Yes No
Joined a fraternity or sorority
Held a full-time job (approx. 40 hours) while taking classes
Been homeless for one month or more
Attended a racial/cultural awareness workshop
Played intercollegiate athletics (e.g., NCAA or NAIA)
Joined a pre-professional or departmental club

Question Title

* 37. How often have professors at your college provided you with: (Select one in each row)

  Never Daily Weekly Monthly By Term Annual
Encouragement to pursue graduate/professional study
An opportunity to work on a research project
Emotional support and encouragement
A letter of recommendation
Help to improve my study skills
Feedback on my academic work (outside of grades)
Encouragement to discuss coursework outside of class
Help in achieving professional goals

Question Title

* 38. If you borrowed money to help pay for college expenses, estimate how much you will owe as of June 30, 2024.Write in terms of how many $ (Dollars)

Question Title

* 39. How much of the past year's educational expenses (room, board, tuition, and fees) were covered from each of the following sources? (Select one answer for each possible source)

  None $1 to $2,999 $3,000 to $5,999 $6,000 to $9,999 $10,000 to $14,999 $15,000 or more
Family resources (parents, relatives, spouse, etc.)
My own resources (income from work, work-study, etc.)
Aid which need not be repaid (grants, scholarships, military, etc.)
Aid which must be repaid (loans, etc.)

Question Title

* 40. Roughly how much credit card debt do you carry on a monthly basis? (Select one response only)

Question Title

* 41. When did you decide to pursue your current academic major?

Question Title

* 42. When thinking about your career path after college, how important are the following considerations: (Select one in each row)

  Not at all Important Low Importance Slightly Important Significantly Important Very Important
Working for social change
High income potential
Social recognition or status
Stable, secure future
Availability of jobs
Work/life balance
Ability to pay off debt

Question Title

* 43. Do you plan to do the following in Fall 2024? (Select Yes, No or Maybe for each item)

  Yes No Maybe
Work full-time
Work part-time
Attend graduate/professional school full-time
Attend graduate/professional school part-time
Participate in a service organization like the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps/VISTA, or Teach for America
Serve in the Armed Forces
Perform volunteer work
Stay at home to be with or start a family

Question Title

* 44. With respect to graduate or professional school, which best describes the current state of your educational plans? (Select one response only)

Question Title

* 45. Are you currently registered to vote? (Select one response only)

Question Title

* 46. Military Status: (Select one response only)

Question Title

* 47. Is there anything you wish to share about particular sources of support during college?

Question Title

* 48. Please rate your overall experience at SAU