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* 1. What brings you to the Skyland Workforce Center? 

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* 2. What has made the job search more difficult for you?

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* 3. What skills would you like to develop?

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* 4. Are there any other resources that would be helpful for you? In the past we’ve offered help for returning citizens, clothing donations, groceries, preparing meals, money management, etc.

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* 5. How has your experience been with the service at the Skyland Workforce Center?

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* 6. What have been some things that have deterred you from seeking help in the past (particularly from other non-profits or programs)?

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* 7. Are there other places that you’ve gone to for similar services? How were they helpful to you?

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* 8. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience at the Skyland Workforce Center?