McHenry County HUD Consolidated Plan Survey

The McHenry County Community Development Division is in the process of preparing the County’s Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development for the upcoming 5 years, 2025-2029. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires this Plan, in order for the County to receive funding for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships. The Plan will describe the County’s housing and community development needs, strategies, and priorities.
This Plan affects many communities and organizations across the County, and input from regional agencies, organizations, and local governments is vital to identifying needs and allocating resources. For this reason, we are asking individuals such as yourself to complete a brief online survey regarding community development and homeless needs. This will be used in the planning for related aspects of the larger Consolidated Plan.
It should take less than 15 minutes to complete the survey, and it will be available through April 30, 2025.
Thank you for your input! We look forward to receiving your response.
You are welcome to skip any questions you are unsure about, or prefer not to answer

Question Title

* 1. What city do you currently reside in?

Question Title

* 2. What is your role in the community? Select all that apply

Community Development Needs
What needs exist in your community, or in the communities within the region you represent or serve? Which of these do you consider to be the most critical? Your responses to this section will help identify priorities for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and HOME Investment Partnerships.
Public Infrastructure - Water, Sewer & Drainage

Question Title

* 3. Is water quality or capacity an issue?

Question Title

* 4. How common are failing septic tanks, line breakages, outages, quality issues in the community or region?

Question Title

* 5. Is drainage adequate to avoid standing water or flooding in residential and commercial areas?

Other Public Infrastructure & Facilities

Question Title

* 6. Please rate the general condition of streets and roads in the community or region

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor
Downtown/commercial roads
Neighborhood streets

Question Title

* 7. Is there a need for public improvements to downtown/commercial areas, in the town or towns throughout the County?

  Tremendous Need Moderate Need Some Need No Need
Street lighting
ADA accessibility
Greenspaces, parks, & public space enhancement
Public safety (call boxes, cameras, lighting, etc.)
Other public infrastructure

Question Title

* 8. Public Infrastructure & Facilities - Overall Need

Please rate the need for improvements in your community or the County.

  Tremendous Need Some Need Little Need No Need Unknown
Water and sewer
Street Improvements
Clearance of dilapidated buildings
Libraries, community centers, and training facilities
Fire stations and trucks
Public health and safety
Transportation oriented facilities
Downtown/commercial revitalization
Neighborhood revitalization
Greenspaces and parks
Economic Opportunity

Question Title

* 9. How attractive is your community or communities within the region for new businesses?

Question Title

* 10. Do residents of the community or within the region have convenient access to basic goods and services?

Question Title

* 11. Please check any of the following that you feel limit economic opportunity in the town or region, especially for lower and moderate income persons?

Community Resident Needs Assessment

Question Title

* 12. In the past 12 months, what is the single greatest challenge you and your household have experienced?

Question Title

* 13. Are there any problems or needs that you or your family faced within the past year that you could not get help with? (If yes, please list those problems or needs)

Question Title

* 14. How do you find out about various programs and services available?

Question Title

* 15. What things about your neighborhood do you really like?

Question Title

* 16. What is the one thing you would like to see IMPROVED in your neighborhood?

Question Title

* 17. Community Conditions:

Mark the number from 1 to 5 to indicate if your disagree or agree with the following statements:

  1 - Strongly Agree 2 - Agree 3 - Neutral 4- Disagree 5- Strongly Disagree
There are sufficient full-time, quality, living-wage job opportunities available in the community
The schools in the community meet the educational needs of the children they serve
There are sufficient childcare programs with traditional hours (daytime M-F) available for low-income families in the community
There are sufficient childcare programs with non-traditional hours (evenings, nights, and weekends) available for low-income families in the community
There are sufficient pre-school programs (including Head Start) available for low-income families in the community
There are sufficient affordable child/youth activities or afterschool programs (ages 5-17) available in the community
The housing stock in the community is generally safe and well-maintained
There is sufficient affordable housing available for low-income people in the community
There are sufficient emergency shelters available in the community
There are sufficient medical services available for low-income people in the community
There are sufficient dental services available for low-income persons in the community
There are sufficient resources for emergency food or food assistance available for low-income people in the community
There are sufficient non-medical emergency services (fire, police, disaster response, etc.) available in the community
There are sufficient public transportation options (taxis, buses, trains, etc.) available for low-income people in the community
There are sufficient resources for immigrants in your community

Question Title

* 18. Which of the following areas do you believe low-income families and individuals need help with in order to achieve or maintain self-sufficiency?
Check all that apply. For any item selected, indicate "are there existing resources in the community to address this issue?

  None Few Enough Many Don't know
Bill/utility payment
Dental care
Domestic and family violence
Employment/job availability
Family support
Financial literacy/budgeting
Food resources
Fraud and identity protection
Health care
Immigrant family support
Internet/web access
Job training
Language barriers/ESL
Legal services
Literacy/basic education
Mental health services
Substance abuse treatment
Technology/digital literacy
Women's/reproductive health

Question Title

* 19. Are there any other issues and/or needs in the community that you would like to share?