There are sufficient full-time, quality, living-wage job opportunities available in the community
There are sufficient full-time, quality, living-wage job opportunities available in the community 1 - Strongly Agree
There are sufficient full-time, quality, living-wage job opportunities available in the community 2 - Agree
There are sufficient full-time, quality, living-wage job opportunities available in the community 3 - Neutral
There are sufficient full-time, quality, living-wage job opportunities available in the community 4- Disagree
There are sufficient full-time, quality, living-wage job opportunities available in the community 5- Strongly Disagree
The schools in the community meet the educational needs of the children they serve
The schools in the community meet the educational needs of the children they serve 1 - Strongly Agree
The schools in the community meet the educational needs of the children they serve 2 - Agree
The schools in the community meet the educational needs of the children they serve 3 - Neutral
The schools in the community meet the educational needs of the children they serve 4- Disagree
The schools in the community meet the educational needs of the children they serve 5- Strongly Disagree
There are sufficient childcare programs with traditional hours (daytime M-F) available for low-income families in the community
There are sufficient childcare programs with traditional hours (daytime M-F) available for low-income families in the community 1 - Strongly Agree
There are sufficient childcare programs with traditional hours (daytime M-F) available for low-income families in the community 2 - Agree
There are sufficient childcare programs with traditional hours (daytime M-F) available for low-income families in the community 3 - Neutral
There are sufficient childcare programs with traditional hours (daytime M-F) available for low-income families in the community 4- Disagree
There are sufficient childcare programs with traditional hours (daytime M-F) available for low-income families in the community 5- Strongly Disagree
There are sufficient childcare programs with non-traditional hours (evenings, nights, and weekends) available for low-income families in the community
There are sufficient childcare programs with non-traditional hours (evenings, nights, and weekends) available for low-income families in the community 1 - Strongly Agree
There are sufficient childcare programs with non-traditional hours (evenings, nights, and weekends) available for low-income families in the community 2 - Agree
There are sufficient childcare programs with non-traditional hours (evenings, nights, and weekends) available for low-income families in the community 3 - Neutral
There are sufficient childcare programs with non-traditional hours (evenings, nights, and weekends) available for low-income families in the community 4- Disagree
There are sufficient childcare programs with non-traditional hours (evenings, nights, and weekends) available for low-income families in the community 5- Strongly Disagree
There are sufficient pre-school programs (including Head Start) available for low-income families in the community
There are sufficient pre-school programs (including Head Start) available for low-income families in the community 1 - Strongly Agree
There are sufficient pre-school programs (including Head Start) available for low-income families in the community 2 - Agree
There are sufficient pre-school programs (including Head Start) available for low-income families in the community 3 - Neutral
There are sufficient pre-school programs (including Head Start) available for low-income families in the community 4- Disagree
There are sufficient pre-school programs (including Head Start) available for low-income families in the community 5- Strongly Disagree
There are sufficient affordable child/youth activities or afterschool programs (ages 5-17) available in the community
There are sufficient affordable child/youth activities or afterschool programs (ages 5-17) available in the community 1 - Strongly Agree
There are sufficient affordable child/youth activities or afterschool programs (ages 5-17) available in the community 2 - Agree
There are sufficient affordable child/youth activities or afterschool programs (ages 5-17) available in the community 3 - Neutral
There are sufficient affordable child/youth activities or afterschool programs (ages 5-17) available in the community 4- Disagree
There are sufficient affordable child/youth activities or afterschool programs (ages 5-17) available in the community 5- Strongly Disagree
The housing stock in the community is generally safe and well-maintained
The housing stock in the community is generally safe and well-maintained 1 - Strongly Agree
The housing stock in the community is generally safe and well-maintained 2 - Agree
The housing stock in the community is generally safe and well-maintained 3 - Neutral
The housing stock in the community is generally safe and well-maintained 4- Disagree
The housing stock in the community is generally safe and well-maintained 5- Strongly Disagree
There is sufficient affordable housing available for low-income people in the community
There is sufficient affordable housing available for low-income people in the community 1 - Strongly Agree
There is sufficient affordable housing available for low-income people in the community 2 - Agree
There is sufficient affordable housing available for low-income people in the community 3 - Neutral
There is sufficient affordable housing available for low-income people in the community 4- Disagree
There is sufficient affordable housing available for low-income people in the community 5- Strongly Disagree
There are sufficient emergency shelters available in the community
There are sufficient emergency shelters available in the community 1 - Strongly Agree
There are sufficient emergency shelters available in the community 2 - Agree
There are sufficient emergency shelters available in the community 3 - Neutral
There are sufficient emergency shelters available in the community 4- Disagree
There are sufficient emergency shelters available in the community 5- Strongly Disagree
There are sufficient medical services available for low-income people in the community
There are sufficient medical services available for low-income people in the community 1 - Strongly Agree
There are sufficient medical services available for low-income people in the community 2 - Agree
There are sufficient medical services available for low-income people in the community 3 - Neutral
There are sufficient medical services available for low-income people in the community 4- Disagree
There are sufficient medical services available for low-income people in the community 5- Strongly Disagree
There are sufficient dental services available for low-income persons in the community
There are sufficient dental services available for low-income persons in the community 1 - Strongly Agree
There are sufficient dental services available for low-income persons in the community 2 - Agree
There are sufficient dental services available for low-income persons in the community 3 - Neutral
There are sufficient dental services available for low-income persons in the community 4- Disagree
There are sufficient dental services available for low-income persons in the community 5- Strongly Disagree
There are sufficient resources for emergency food or food assistance available for low-income people in the community
There are sufficient resources for emergency food or food assistance available for low-income people in the community 1 - Strongly Agree
There are sufficient resources for emergency food or food assistance available for low-income people in the community 2 - Agree
There are sufficient resources for emergency food or food assistance available for low-income people in the community 3 - Neutral
There are sufficient resources for emergency food or food assistance available for low-income people in the community 4- Disagree
There are sufficient resources for emergency food or food assistance available for low-income people in the community 5- Strongly Disagree
There are sufficient non-medical emergency services (fire, police, disaster response, etc.) available in the community
There are sufficient non-medical emergency services (fire, police, disaster response, etc.) available in the community 1 - Strongly Agree
There are sufficient non-medical emergency services (fire, police, disaster response, etc.) available in the community 2 - Agree
There are sufficient non-medical emergency services (fire, police, disaster response, etc.) available in the community 3 - Neutral
There are sufficient non-medical emergency services (fire, police, disaster response, etc.) available in the community 4- Disagree
There are sufficient non-medical emergency services (fire, police, disaster response, etc.) available in the community 5- Strongly Disagree
There are sufficient public transportation options (taxis, buses, trains, etc.) available for low-income people in the community
There are sufficient public transportation options (taxis, buses, trains, etc.) available for low-income people in the community 1 - Strongly Agree
There are sufficient public transportation options (taxis, buses, trains, etc.) available for low-income people in the community 2 - Agree
There are sufficient public transportation options (taxis, buses, trains, etc.) available for low-income people in the community 3 - Neutral
There are sufficient public transportation options (taxis, buses, trains, etc.) available for low-income people in the community 4- Disagree
There are sufficient public transportation options (taxis, buses, trains, etc.) available for low-income people in the community 5- Strongly Disagree
There are sufficient resources for immigrants in your community
There are sufficient resources for immigrants in your community 1 - Strongly Agree
There are sufficient resources for immigrants in your community 2 - Agree
There are sufficient resources for immigrants in your community 3 - Neutral
There are sufficient resources for immigrants in your community 4- Disagree
There are sufficient resources for immigrants in your community 5- Strongly Disagree