How are we doing?

Client Survey
Victim Services & Rape Crisis Center
Serving Alachua, Bradford & Union Counties

Please let us know how we are doing. We value your feedback.  The approximate length of time need to complete this survey is 3-5 minutes.
If you have any questions or experience difficulties in completing the survey, please call us at (866)252-5439, and ask for a supervisor.  Thank you for your feedback and your time.

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* 1. Who assisted you from our Agency?

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* 2. What county did you receive services in?

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* 3. What type of victimization(s) did you or your loved one experience? (Check all that apply)

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* 4. How did you find out about our services?

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* 5. What type of service(s) did you recieve? (Check all that apply.) 

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* 6. The person I spoke with addressed my questions and concerns.

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* 7. The person I spoke with made me feel safe and open to talking about my concerns.

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* 8. I would use the services again if needed or recommend to a friend.

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* 9. How would you rate the services overall?

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* 10. Additional comments welcome. Please add your name and contact information (phone number or email address) if you are willing to speak to a supervisor.