Gathering your Thoughts

Minneapolis Public School District is looking into the need for a referendum on this fall's ballot. Some Lake Nokomis Community School parents are gathering input from the community to identify needs you see. We are asking for input from stakeholders within the school - staff, teachers, students, parents, volunteers, etc. -- and stakeholders in the broader community -- business owners, workers, neighbors, community members, etc.  This is a first step toward articulating what our area sees as priorities to adequately meet the needs to successfully educate our students.

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* 1. Funds could be used to support many needs including new curriculum offerings, lower class sizes, building improvements, community engagement opportunities, technology upgrades, wrap around services, etc.  
Thinking broadly about the needs for our students what comes to your mind as opportunity that could make a positive difference?

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* 2. If you had the opportunity to advise the local school leadership on anything or gain insight from their perspective what would you want to discuss?  Why is that an important topic for you?

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* 3. What are some of the things that make Lake Nokomis Community School special?

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* 4. What would you like to see changed or added that would make LNCS even better!

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* 5. What is your connection to Lake Nokomis Community School (LNCS)? Select all that apply

The Wenonah campus (K - 2nd grade) has a new principal as of 2015/2016 school year and the Keewaydin campus (grade 4 - 8th) will have a new principal beginning in the fall of 2016. If we have meet & greet sessions during which you can meet the new school leadership would you be interested in attending?

We also may conduct follow up focus groups on the priorities for this neighborhood. If we do so would you like to participate?

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* 6. Would you be interested in participating in either or both of these gatherings?