Travel Salem Visitor Survey

Complete Survey & Enter to Win!

Prizes include a case of wine or a $100 VISA gift card
1.Your Zip Code:
2.What motivated your travel to the Salem area? (Marion & Polk Counties)(check all that apply)
3.Did any of the following Travel Salem marketing strategies assist with your decision to visit? (check all that apply)
4.How much money do you plan to spend, or have spent during your entire visit?
5.Are you staying overnight in the Salem area? Answer yes or no. If yes, how many days?
6.If yes, where are you staying?
7.What is your overall satisfaction rating for your visit 1-10
8.What could the region improve upon? (check all that apply)
9.Would you like to receive email updates regarding things to see and do in the area?
10.Enter your email to be entered into the prize drawing. You could win a case of wine or a $100 Visa Gift Card!
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered