Welcome! Please reply to each question. You only need to register once for the entire season.

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Join the City of Fort Wayne and Fort Wayne Trails on these free family-friendly bike rides. Rides will take place every Tuesday at 6:00 pm through October. Participants are asked to wear helmets and bring water along for the ride. All participants ride at their own risk. Activities will continue through the summer. Each person is responsible for his/her own safety. The City of Fort Wayne and Fort Wayne Trails, Inc. are not responsible for your safety. Cycling in a group can be a hazardous activity.

Please register here if you'd like to attend. This will assist us in providing improved communication with you, track how many people we might see at each event, and provide a way for you to give us anonymous feedback about your Trek the Trails experience and ideas about trail development. Registering also allows you to enter into a drawing for prizes at the end of the season.

Our pace is between 10-12 miles per hour, and most rides are about 8 miles long. Severe weather may cancel the ride. Check the Fort Wayne Trails Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter at least 1 hour before the ride, if you are unsure.

We will be ordering Trek The Trails t-shirts again this season. Keep an eye on our website and social media for ordering information. We will also have shirts available at the events for $20.

Need more information?
Fort Wayne Trails: 260-969-0079 or James@fwtrails.org
City of Fort Wayne Greenways Office: 260-427-6228

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* 1. Adult or Child?

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* 2. First Name

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* 3. Last Name

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* 4. Street Address

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* 5. City

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* 6. State

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* 7. Zip Code

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* 8. Telephone Number

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* 9. Email Address

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* 10. Enter me in the end-of-season prize drawing. The drawing will be held at the last ride of the year. You do not have to be present to win.