Sick of seeing floating plastic pollution in your city? Question Title * 1. Are you sick of seeing floating plastic pollution in your city? Yes No I don't care Question Title * 2. How often do you see floating plastic pollution in your city? Only sometimes Often All the time Never Question Title * 3. Do you want to see Local, State or Federal Government funding for practical solutions to the cleanup & prevention of floating plastic pollution in your city? Yes No I don't care Question Title * 4. Do you want to see workers each day actively cleaning up floating plastic pollution in your city? Yes No I don't care Question Title * 5. Do you want to see the data on what floating plastic pollution is in the water and what's being removed? Yes No I don't care Question Title * 6. Would you be happy with your City, Local, State or Federal Government officials, for actively supporting the clean up of floating plastic pollution? Yes No Question Title * 7. Address Name City/Town State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Email Address Done