The Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan works to simplify and modernize the province’s laws. The Commission is empowered by The Law Reform Commission Act to keep under review all law in Saskatchewan and to initiate projects that consider the systematic development and reform of both legislation and the common law. Projects are undertaken at the request of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General as well as in response to suggestions from the public at large, including members of the legal community.

Consultation is central to the Commission’s work. The Commission relies on the expertise of the legal community and other stakeholders to make informed recommendations to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General. The Commission has been in operation since 1974.

The Commission is reaching out to stakeholders to hear their perspectives and thoughts on the work of the Commission. Your responses to this survey are anonymous. If you would like to share your name or organization with the Commission, please do so in response to the ninth question.

This survey contains 9 questions and should take approximately 5 - 10 minutes to complete. The Commission appreciates hearing your perspective - thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

Question Title

* 1. How have you interacted with the Commission?

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* 2. How would you describe the value of an independent law reform agency?

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* 3. What factors - in addition to the project being focussed on a topic within provincial jurisdiction and law-focussed - should the Commission consider when selecting its projects?

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* 4. How should the Commission measure the impact of its work?

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* 5. How can the Commission ensure its work continues to be impactful?

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* 6. What opportunities and challenge do you see facing the Commission as it embarks on its next 50 years of operations?

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* 7. Do you have any law reform projects you'd like to propose to the Commission?

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* 8. Which of the following best describes your occupation?

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* 9. If you would like to leave your name and/or your organization's name, please do so here.