Fellowship of Christian Camps BC - Survey for Parents of Registered Campers

Each summer, approximately 60,000 campers attend a Christian camp in BC. The Fellowship of Christian Camps - BC represents 45 camps, and since the COVID-19 pandemic was announced, camp directors from across the province have been meeting regularly via Zoom to encourage each other and to share ideas.

We would love it if you would take 4 or 5 minutes to complete the following survey to help us all better understand your thoughts regarding camp, especially in light of the uncertainty surrounding programming this summer. We believe your input will help us make better decisions going forward.

Thank you!
1.What is your city and province of residence?
2.Which camp are you hoping to send your child(ren) to this summer?
3.Relationship to Camper
4.Campers in Household
5.Church Attendance
6.If official restrictions on gatherings were lifted and summer camp was allowed to be held as normal this summer, how likely would you be to send your child(ren) to overnight summer camp?
7.Which of the following would you deem necessary before you considered sending your child(ren) to camp this summer (check as many as apply)?
8.What do you value most about what summer camp can offer your child(ren)?
Extremely Important
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important
A chance to grow in their personal faith
I want them to be in a Christ-centered environment
Get them away from technology
A chance to make new friends
Get them outside and experience the natural world
A chance to develop independence
A chance to learn new life skills
A chance to learn good behaviour/morality
Fulfill childcare needs
I want them out of the house for a week
9.If camp had to close this summer, what is your desire/intention for any money you have already paid?
10.During this time of crisis, what resources are you using at home to stay connected spiritually and support your family's faith development?
11.If your camp was able to provide the following resources, would you use them?
Yes, would PAY to use
Yes, would use if FREE
No, would not use
ON-SITE getaway/retreat for your family, with limited or no contact with others
ON-SITE gathering with other families, using recommended safety precautions
ON-SITE hike, explore, and just get outside
ON-SITE day only programs designed for children (e.g. camp activities)
ON-SITE day only programs designed for families (e.g. geocaching, nature study, etc)
ONLINE virtual camp worship or campfire
ONLINE resources for camp games/activities to do at home
ONLINE or MAILED camp Bible study resources to use at home
ONLINE entertainment featuring camp personalities
ONLINE virtual camper devotions and check-ins, live with campers and staff
ONLINE virtual camp programs, complete with cabin groups, daily meetings and interactions
12.Thank you for your feedback! Please leave any other comments or thoughts here.
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered