About The Survey

If your organization has adopted the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) — or plan to in the future — we invite you to complete our brief survey. You should be able to finish in less than 10 minutes.

The survey's goal is to offer a concise overview of DITA's current usage, value perception, and future adoption trends in technical documentation.

Your answers will enable us to identify the major challenges facing teams using DITA (as well as those planning to adopt it) and allow us to offer recommendations for overcoming these obstacles.

We'll also compare this year's responses to those from previous DITA Satisfaction Surveys, enabling us to offer year-over-year comparisons of some data points.
If you complete the survey and provide us contact information, we will deliver to you a copy to the survey results summary report shortly after the survey concludes.

Question Title

* Tell us a little about yourself