Community Input on One-time Investments

The U District BIA is seeking your help! 

The University District BIA Board has identified a pool of excess money that can be spent on one-time projects in the U District. The Board is looking for input from the community on how to best spend these funds. Your feedback ranking projects will help the Board prioritize these one-time expenditures.

Funding levels are grouped by the following:
= $10,000 or less, $$ = $10,000-25,000, $$$ = $25,000-100,000, $$$$ = Over  $100,000

 The U District Partnership, which manages the BIA, has a mission of serving all who work in, live in, and visit the U District by fostering and sustaining a vibrant, diverse, and healthy neighborhood for the common good. To learn more about the U District Partnership and how they use BIA funds to meet community needs, please visit our website or read our Strategic Plan.

Question Title

* 1. What is your connection to the U District?

Question Title

* 2. How should we prioritize the following items for one-time investments?

  Low Priority High Prioirty
Mobile Pressure Washer - $$
Purchasing a mobile pressure washing unit would allow the UDP to augment the success of the neighborhood cleaning program.
Transportation Mobility Plan - $$
Contribute to funding a 3 part community forum to identify challenges, opportunities, and make decisions on a truly holistic approach to multi-modal transportation planning in the U District.
Mural on Campus Parkway under the U Bridge - $$
Campus Parkway is one of the major gateways into our neighborhood. The mural currently under the U Bridge has experienced years of neglect and is in need of a replacement.
Expanded Youth Employment Program - $$$
Increasing our paid training and intern slots from six to eight giving responsible homeless young people a chance.
Facilitated Quarterly Community Forums - $$
Professionally facilitated community forums to discuss priorities and ways to achieve mutually shared success. 
Holiday Lights - $
Purchase of lights and wrapping 40 trees in the neighborhood along The Ave during the winter holiday season.
Advertising & Marketing Campaign - $
Holiday co-op advertising campaign to promote the neighborhood as a shopping destination.
Tree Pit Refurbishment - $$$$
To add much-needed capacity to our busy sidewalks University Way NE from University Way NE from 47th to 5oth, 43rd to 41 st, University Way NE from 4oth to Campus Parkway, 45th from 15th Ave NE to Brooklyn Ave NE.
Small Businesses Advocacy Support - $$$
Short-term support to organize a vision and to strengthen the voice of small business.
Extention of U District Ambassador Pilot Program through June 2018 - $$$
Roving representatives to answer way-finding questions and provide eyes on the street for increased safety.

Question Title

* 3. Are there any other investments you would like to see the UDP prioritize such that are not represented here (i.e., Parks Plan implementation)?

Question Title

* 4. If you would like to be informed about all U District happenings please leave your email address below.

Thank you for taking our survey!

Paid for by the UDBIA Ratepayers