Welcome to the "Nonprofit Revenue Readiness Meter," an assessment tool crafted to transform how your organization approaches its funding strategies. Picture this as your navigational compass in the ever-evolving world of nonprofit funding. Whether tapping into individual donors' generosity, unlocking the potential of major gifts, harnessing public grants, or creatively leveraging in-kind resources, our tailored approach guides you through a comprehensive evaluation of how your nonprofit aligns with these diverse revenue streams. Embrace this opportunity to redefine your organization's relationship with funding, adapt to the dynamic landscape of nonprofit finance, and amplify your impact in the community.

After completing this assessment, expect a personalized response with your results within 2 business days. Thank you for participating and for your commitment to growth and excellence in your mission.

Please note that all information submitted in this Nonprofit Revenue Readiness Meter is confidential and will not be shared with funders or any other external entities.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your full name.

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* 2. What is your email address?

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* 3. Which company are you currently affiliated with?

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* 4. If applicable, please provide the URL of your company's website.

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* 5. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A
We engage effectively with the community and volunteers for support with program activities/with fundraising/with decision making.
We regularly engage our members in our programs/decisions/meetings through exclusive events and communications.
Our organization focuses on innovative solutions to social problems.
We do not compromise our values and ethics in order to stay financially viable
We are familiar with and can adhere to government regulations and standards.
Our organization prioritizes high-quality service delivery.
We have, or can develop, a strong central brand with local operational autonomy.
We are skilled at storytelling and using emotional appeals in our communication.
We effectively use social media and other digital platforms to engage with a wide audience.
Our services directly impact beneficiaries who have the capacity and inclination to donate.

Question Title

* 6. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A
We have strategies in place for legacy giving and major gift solicitation.
Our mission appeals to donors looking for substantial impact in specific areas.
We have a network for securing in-kind donations from corporations or individuals.
Our programs can be piloted and scaled to show their impact.
Our organization is comfortable relying on a few large donors for significant funding.
We are skilled at navigating complex legal and ethical environments.
We can handle the unpredictability and variability of in-kind donations.
Our services align with public policy goals and government funding opportunities.
We have a strong membership base that identifies closely with our mission.
We have a compelling mission that resonates emotionally with a broad audience.

Question Title

* 7. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A
We have a system to recognize and motivate members for their contributions.
We maintain long-term relationships with our beneficiaries.
We have connections with, or the capacity to develop relationships with, major donors or foundations.
Our cause has universal appeal and can mobilize public support quickly.
We can manage large grants and aligning them with specific projects or initiatives.
We have experience or capacity in managing government contracts or grants.
We have a track record of, or potential for, efficient and effective public service delivery.
We invest in research and data collection to demonstrate the efficacy of our methods.
Our organization excels in logistics, managing the collection, sorting, and distribution of goods.
We have the capacity to influence public policy and government funding priorities.

Question Title

* 8. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A
We operate in a sector where beneficiaries choose their service provider.
Our organization has a history of support from past beneficiaries, such as alumni or past clients.
We effectively balance national consistency with local community relevance.
We have a strong marketing strategy and brand presence in our field.
We are adept at navigating competitive and choice-driven funding environments.
We provide services in a niche where for-profit engagement is inappropriate or prohibited.
We have a unique funding model that includes fees for service or linked donations.
Our organization has a broad appeal but requires local adaptation and implementation.
Our model relies on local fundraising efforts supplemented by national-level support.
Our members feel a collective benefit from their involvement and contributions.
We are able to write and submit grant proposals