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* 1. Please identify yourself.

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* 2. How relevant to you is information held by public officials at the following levels?

  Very Somewhat Not very Not at all
Federal government
State government
Local council

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* 3. How easy do you feel it is to find and access existing information from these levels of government?

  Very Somewhat Not very Not at all
Federal government
State government
Local council

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* 4. Do you think that government data made publicly available will… ?

  Yes No I don't know
Improve the quality of government services
Allow citizens such as yourself to have more impact on decisions related to public affairs
Make the government and other state mechanisms more accountable to the public
Promote transparency by government officials
Allow media to cover government activities more thoroughly

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* 5. If Malaysia had a law on Right to Information (RTI), what kind of information are you most likely to request from the federal government, your state government and/or local council? For example, spending of public institutions or management of utility services.

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* 6. Please list the types of information you think should be confidential and exempted from disclosure or be made public. For example, deployment of military troops or personal data of individuals.

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* 7. If we have an RTI law, should the public have to pay for access to information held by the public authorities (government) and why? If they do, what should the charges be like?

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* 8. If Malaysia passes a law on RTI, what would you like to see contained within the law?

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* 9. Which law/s do you think will have to be repealed or amended to ensure that it does not impede the adoption or full implementation of a law on RTI?

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* 10. What would you be most interested to learn about RTI, if you were to join a campaign or obtain materials on the subject?

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