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Please complete the form below if you wish to nominate yourself (or another person) to be part of the DOT(WA) Executive Committee. Each position plays a part in keeping DOT(WA) such an active part of the WA paediatric OT network.
The time and commitment level involved in each role varies (from less than one hour a month, to a few hours each week), and many of the roles can be shared between two people- in fact some work best when shared.
If you would like to find out more about being on the DOT(WA) executive, please do not hesitate contact Fiona (chairperson) on

Question Title

* 1. Nominee Details

Question Title

* 2. Position you are nominating for.
Please select your preferred position (one only) and if you have a second choice role, please write that role in the comment field below.

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