Mandatory Time Allocation - Reporting Requirement by DOL July - September 2022
Mandatory Time Allocation – Reporting requirement by Dept. of Labor (DOL)
To: All Staff From: Wiener Maingrette, Controller Date: October 03, 2022
Each year the Department of Labor (DOL) regulations require all labor unions to report on an annual basis the allocation of each employee's time spent among various categories. This information must be submitted and signed by each employee based upon a good faith estimate of the amount of time that was spent among the 5 categories during the period of July 1, 2022 - September 30, 2022. If you have any questions, please email me or ask your supervisor.
If you were employed by CIR during the above period you must complete the enclosed form to the best of your knowledge.
Please read and review the explanation of each category and indicate the percentage that best describes how your time was spent during the period. Please estimate your time in whole number percentages (Do not put .5% in any category). The Total of all the categories should add up to 100%. It is understood that these figures may be imprecise. Indicate the estimated percentage of effort by category as follows below:
Please respond to this survey no later than the end of the day on October 15, 2022.
Explanation of Categories for DOL Reporting:
The following are an explanation of the five categories that you would need to complete the reporting Time Allocation Survey for the period of July 1, 2022 - September 30, 2022.
Representational Activities – Report in this category for:
· Services related to the preparation for and participation in the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements.
· Administration and enforcement of collective bargaining agreements. Including grievance handling, fielding questions from members, organizing/attending/conducting chapter meetings, delegate meetings (other than the convention), employer meetings, and work spent on arbitration proceedings.
· QI meetings, chapter strengthening activities, communicating union policy, training and educating members in regard to representational activities, lobbying related to contract implementation and providing services to the membership.
· Efforts to become the exclusive bargaining representative for a unit of employees (new member organizing), or to keep from losing a unit in decertification election or to another labor organization, or to recruit new members, obtaining and keeping members, and providing services to the membership.
Political Activities and Lobbying – This category deals with your time spent on political purposes or for expenses of dealing with branches of the government for the purpose of influencing legislation. It does not matter whether the lobbying attempt succeeds. It also includes efforts related to voter education, voter registration, raising funds for a candidate, and influencing legislation or regulations.
Contributions, Gift, and Grants – This category is used to recognize time spent on donations, gifts, or efforts that are made to support labor, education and other not for profit organizations. If you believe that you have spent time on activities included in this category, please contact Chris Hull.
Union Administration – Union Administration is time spent managing the affairs of the union: the election of officers, attending or working on the convention, attending or working on the Executive Committee and international meetings.
General Overhead – Includes time spent on any other work. Any disbursement that cannot be allocated to one of the other four categories should be reported here. Certainly, general maintenance and facilities “administration” will go here.