Before completing the survey, please take some time to read the participant information below.

What is the purpose of the study?
Home modifications are a common service for older adults and people with a disability and have the potential to enhance independence, safety and well-being. Occupational therapists who provide home modifications however have few tools to guide their practice. The Dimensions of Home Measure provides a tool for therapists to understand their client’s experience of home and the impact of the modifications on their life. The development of this tool will provide therapists and home modification services with information to improve their practice and put the client’s needs and experience first.
This study aims to further develop this tool so it can be used routinely in home modification practice.

What does this study involve?
Your participation in this study would involve completing the Dimensions of Home Measure and some background information questions. It is expected this will take approximately 10-20 minutes.

What if I don’t want to take part in this study, or if I want to withdraw later?
Participation in this study is voluntary. It is completely up to you whether or not you participate. You have the right to decline to answer any of the questions and withdraw from the study at any time without providing a reason. There will be no consequences to your withdrawal. You are also free to withdraw your data from the study by contacting the research team. If you wish to review or edit your responses you can do this by contacting the researcher Tammy Aplin on Ph: 3365 2649 or

Are there any risks to me participating in the study?
There is no anticipated risk beyond your everyday life. However if you find any of the questions distressing or upsetting you are always free to take a break or stop the completion of the questionnaires. Your participation is voluntary so you can choose not to continue with the questionnaires at any time

Will I benefit from the study?
As this research project is the study of a tool it is likely there will be no direct benefit to your involvement. However the information provided will help to develop a tool for home modification practice, assisting in improving the practice of home modification services. 

To thank you for your time, we would like to offer you the opportunity to go into a prize draw for one of five $100 gift vouchers. We will ask you for your contact details to forward your prize, if you are one of the winners.   If you’re interested in the results of the study, you can contact the principal researcher for a copy of the results on Ph: 07 3365 2649 or email:

How will my confidentiality and privacy be protected?
If you decide to participate in the study, your privacy will be maintained at all times and all responses provided will remain confidential.  And as such your decision to participate and your responses will not be shared with any organisation or person, only people within the research team will have access to this information. All information will be kept in locked filing cabinets and password protected computer files at The University of Queensland. 

What happens with the results?
After your responses have been analysed findings from the study will be prepared for publication in health journals and shared at conferences with health professionals. In any publication or presentation information will be provided in a way that you cannot be identified. 

Thank you for taking the time to consider this study.

Question Title

* 1. Consent

Please read the following statements and if you are in agreement and would like to take part in the study, tick the consent checkbox below.
  • I have read the information above and understand the nature and purpose of the study.
  • I have had an opportunity to ask questions about this study and all my questions have been answered to my satisfaction.
  • I understand that the study involves completing a questionnaire, the Dimensions of Home Measure online  and that it will take approximately 10-20 minutes.
  • I understand that I may not benefit directly from this study.
  • I understand that I have the opportunity to go into a prize draw for one of five $100 gift vouchers.
  • I understand that I will not be placed in any foreseeable risk outside of my everyday activities.
  • I understand that I am free to decline to answer any questions and to withdraw from the project at any stage without any consequences.
  • I am informed that personal information or results involving me will not be published so as to reveal my identity. I am also informed that my privacy will be maintained at all times.

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate whether you would like to go into the prize draw