We have a willing and enthusiastic team of "Western Bay Worker Bees" ready to complete your community working bee. Give us your pitch below and be in the running to win a team of Western Bay staff ready to complete your mahi!

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* 1. Before you begin, please read the below requirements for the working bee. If you meet all these requirements, please click "I agree".
  • The group or organisation has an adequate Health and Safety plan for volunteers. Western Bay of Plenty District Council will not be liable for any accidents and expect the organisation to keep Council staff safe on the day.
  • All equipment or consumables required to complete the working bee will be provided by the group. Council will not be required to provide equipment or consumables.
  • The working bee will be suitable to a range of abilities and not require specialist skills. Any minor training or inductions required can be completed quickly on the day before completing the project.
  • The Working Bee must be completed on Friday the 21st of June from 12pm to 5pm. A rain out day can be discussed if required.
  • A member of the group will be present throughout the day to support and assist council staff.
  • This project will assist or serve the Western Bay of Plenty district or be within the Western Bay of Plenty District council boundaries.

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* 2. What is the name of your organisation or group?

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* 3. Please provide an overview of the working bee you would like to submit.
Please include the type of activity, how it will benefit our district and the outcome you would like us to achieve.

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* 4. Approximately how many volunteers do you need to complete your project on the day?

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* 5. What location will the working bee be held?
Please provide a physical address if possible.

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* 6. Please provide us with your contact details.
Please include a valid email address and phone number.