Weekday Groups Survey

This is a short survey to help us decide the best way to offer groups.

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* 1. On which of the following nights would you likely attend a group if it was your only option? You can choose more than one though we realize you would most likely only attend one.

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* 2. The ideal evening group meeting time for me would be . . .

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* 3. On which of the following mornings would you likely attend  group if it was your only option? You can choose more than one though we realize that you would likely only attend one.

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* 4. The ideal morning group meeting time for me would be . . .

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* 5. Some churches make Friday evening their main night and have expanded programing that night. This means multiple group options for adults and groups for youth and/or children.  This is done because most people don't have to get up and go to work or school on Saturday morning. Sometimes the evening starts with a simple meal. If Community Christian Church offered expanded programing on a Friday evening how likely would you be to attend?

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* 6. If Community Christian Church offered an expanded Friday evening program what would be the ideal starting time for you?

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* 7. If a simple meal were offered at a modest cost, how would that impact how likely you would be to attend?

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* 8. If expanded programing were offered on a Friday evening that included groups for youth and/or children, how likely would you be to bring a youth and/or child?