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* 1. Are you aware that a mandatory registration requirement for Victorian engineers is expected to be introduced during the next 12 months?

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* 2. Did you know that the requirement is likely to include an obligation for engineers to undertake Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training as a pre-requisite for registration renewal?

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* 3. If this occurs, what would be your preferred facilitated CPD training format?

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* 4. If you knew that a face-to-face event would be recorded for online viewing afterwards, would you attend the face-to-face event?

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* 5. If a face-to-face event was recorded for online viewing, what would you expect the cost of the online activity to be?

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* 6. What would be your preferred topic for either online or face-to-face CPD training?

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* 7. Would you expect your employer to meet the recurrent cost of mandatory registration and CPD training if it's introduced?

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* 8. Would you like to be able to record your CPD training within your IPWEA member account?

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* 9. Which approach to mandatory registration would you prefer?

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* 10. If a mandatory registration requirement is introduced, engineers will be registered by ‘Assessment Entities’. Assuming the criteria are uniform, which organisation would you prefer to be assessed by?