Start Your Hiring Process

Answer these questions to the best of your ability. We will review with you for clarity once we receive your responses. Please use separate surveys for each job. 

Question Title

* 1. Your name, Company, Email and Phone number

Question Title

* 2. List, in order of importance, the tasks and key accountabilities of this job.

Question Title

* 3. Insert your job description.

Question Title

* 4. Hours and compensation, including bonuses and benefits.

Question Title

* 5. Prioritize these activities in order of importance.

Question Title

* 6. Divide by 100 the time spent in the following behaviors (Use a zero where appropriate.)

Question Title

* 7. Divide by 100 the time spent in the following behaviors (Use a zero where appropriate.)

Question Title

* 8. Please provide 8 questions that have correct answers (no behavior questions) that will demonstrate the absolute lowest level skills necessary for your job. In other words, "If they can't answer this question, I won't hire them."

Question Title

* 9. If you would like to use your website and email addresses, please provide the following information: