North Pike Career and Technical Center

Needs Assessment

Question Title

* 1. Answer each statement and check how true it is. I need help with the following Personal concerns.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
1. Making friends
2. Fitting in at school
3. Dealing with peer pressure
4. Making better decisions
5. Improving communication
6. Transitioning to a new school
7. Getting involved in school activities
8. Concerns about alcohol and/or drug abuse
9. Helping myself (gaining more self confidence, feeling better about myself, expressing my feelings and thoughts
10. Being more assertive
11. Handling teasing or being bullied
12. Getting along with other students better
13. Feeling stressed
14. Dealing with anger
15. Skills for resolving conflicts

Question Title

* 2. I need help with the following school concerns:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
16. Being more organized
17. Managing my time better
18. Improving study skills
19. Reduce test anxiety
20. Improving test taking skills
21. Understanding what my test scores mean in relation to academic and career planning
22. Developing my course schedule
23. Planning my options after high school
24. The college application process
25. Understanding my learning style to learn how I learn
26. Knowing what educational options are available to me when I graduate
27. Understanding graduation requirements
28. Getting along with teachers
29. Registering for the ACT
30. registering for the SAT

Question Title

* 3. Please check how much you agree with the following statements:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
31. I know who my CTC counselor is.
32. My CTC counselor likes me.
33. My CTC counselor is available to see me when I need to see her.
34. I feel comfortable going to see my CTC counselor to get help with school concerns.
35. My CTC classes keep me interested with topic.
36. I like coming to school.
37. My CTC teachers are willing to help me when I have questions.
38. There is at least one staff member in the CTC that I believe cares deeply about me and my success.
39. The CTC is involved in developing of my educational plan.

Question Title

* 4. Please check how much you agree with the following statements.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
40. I am involved in at least one school activity outside of school.
41. I understand why I need a good education.
42. I will stay in school till I graduate high school.
43. I will continue my education after high school.
44. I understand why I take the C-Pas and/or NCCER.

Question Title

* 5. If you would like to speak to me regarding anything on this survey, please type your name in the comment box.