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* 1. I work at:

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* 2. We feel that the data collected for children is not valuable. If yes, please comment.

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* 3. The residential settings for children do not contain options needed for children. If yes, please comment.

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* 4. The current method for tracking grades (e.g., Very Good through Poor) do not support the ability to identify improvements in children’s grades. If yes, please comment.

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* 5. The current method for tracking attendance (e.g., Always attends through Never attends) do not support the ability to identify improvements in children’s attendance. If yes, please comment.

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* 6. The information collected for suspensions and expulsions does not support the ability to identify improvements for these outcomes. If yes, please comment.

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* 7. The information collected for legal issues for children does not support the ability to identify improvements for these outcomes. If yes, please comment.

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* 8. There are other areas of the DCR data collection which do not support the ability to identify improvements in children’s outcomes. If yes, please comment.

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* 9. We need more training resources which specifically discuss children’s data collection for the DCR.