
Hello and thank you for your interest in completing this survey!

The survey’s purpose is to aid members of the Baltimore Children & Youth Fund’s Planning and Design Team in collecting data and information about the local landscape of technical assistance and capacity building services and resources that are accessible to youth-led, and children and youth-serving organizations in Baltimore City. Information gathered  through the survey will be used to inform: 1. the selection of partner providers to support the delivery of capacity building and technical assistance services to prospective applicants and awarded recipients of the Fund in its first year of operation; and 2. broader planning efforts focused on strengthening the capacity and infrastructure of local youth-led and children and youth-serving organizations.

We encourage you to complete this survey if you consider yourself:

A consultant or solo practitioner serving youth-led and/or children and youth-serving organizations in Baltimore City; and/or,
A representative of a fiscal intermediary, organization or firm that provides fiscal sponsorship and/or technical assistance and capacity building services to youth-led and/or children and youth-serving organizations in Baltimore City.
The survey should take roughly 45-60 minutes to complete. Should any questions arise as you work on your responses, please contact the BCYF Planning Team at

All responses will remain confidential. We are looking forward to receiving your response.

About the Baltimore Children & Youth Fund:
In November 2016, Baltimore City voters approved the creation of a $12 million non-lapsing fund dedicated to supporting Baltimore’s children, youth and young adults.

In 2017, the Children and Youth Fund Task Force was convened and presented recommendations which stressed the importance of racial equity and community empowerment as core principles to guide the Fund’s design.  The Associated Black Charities ( was chosen to anchor the process. The Associated Black Charities partnered with Frontline Solutions ( and UPD Consulting ( to support the Fund’s design and Year 1 implementation.

The Guiding Values of the Task Force and Year 1 planning effort are as follows:
  • Our work is informed, driven and led by youth voices, and
  • Our work both advances equity and is welcoming and supporting of all races, classes and gender identities, and
  • Our work is accountable and has impact to local communities, neighborhoods and places where young people connect, and
  • Our work is not politically-driven and promotes confidence from the caring networks of Baltimore’s Young people, and
  • Our work inspires new partnerships and new approaches to philanthropy to advance Baltimore’s young people, and
  • Our work is focused, expedient, and conducted with urgency. 
The Fund’s first grantmaking cycle is slated to take place this summer. For more information about the Fund, please visit