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Free TEKS aligned Training Request with CPE Credits Offered

Welcome! Thank you for your interest in KLRN's Educator Training Sessions. We value your insight. Please take a few moments to complete the following survey so that we may best serve you. Please reach out to us at with any questions. Thank you so much!

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* 1. Please type your first and last name here:

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* 2. Please provide your contact information here:

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* 3. Please provide the grade level and subject that you teach here:

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* 4. My school or district would like to schedule:

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* 5. The trainings I would like to schedule at my campus are:

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* 6. Which other training topics would benefit your staff? Please choose all that apply.

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* 7. If KLRN held online office hours to help support teachers would you utilize this resource?

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* 8. If you answered yes above, what time of day would work best for virutal office hours?

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* 9. KLRN strives to provide relevant training topics and resources to teachers in the community.  Please share any other comments or resource suggestions that might be beneficial to you in your work as a teacher.

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