Temporary Playscape Follow Up Survey

Temporary Play Space Activation Questionnaire

The Battery Park City Authority would appreciate your input on this test activation of the Hudson River Greenway walkway, between First & Second Place.  We would like to hear your thoughts on this temporary installation and any ideas you may have for potentially expanding the space.  We invite you to complete the survey below. 
Thank you for your input!
Read more here: https://bpca.ny.gov/bpc-people/battery-park-city-authority-launches-public-dialogue-for-expanded-recreation-space-in-battery-park-city/
1.What is your name? (Optional)
2.What is your phone number (Optional)
3.What is your email address? (Optional)
4.What is the name of your organization, if applicable (Optional)
5.What brought you to this area?
6.How frequently have you visited this area?
7.What times of day have you used this area?
8.What additional activities/amenities (if any) would you most like to have available in this area?
9.What other ways (if any) would you like to use this potential new temporary public space?
10.What other ways (if any) would you like to use this potential new temporary public space?
11.Please share your thoughts about the new turf installed at this location.
12.How, if at all, would you modify the new turf installation, and why?