This survey aims to gauge individuals' interest and suitability for employment within a research and development startup, providing valuable insights to assess alignment with the opportunities and challenges associated with such a working environment.

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* 1. What is your current employment status?

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* 2. Have you ever worked for a startup before?

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* 3. What aspects of working for an R&D startup appeal to you the most?

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* 4. How important is it for you to be involved in cutting-edge technology and pioneering innovation in your work?

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* 5. Are you comfortable with the potential risks and uncertainties associated with working for a startup?

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* 6. Would you prefer a work environment that emphasizes flexibility, creativity, and experimentation over a more structured and stable environment?

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* 7. What type of role are you most interested in within an R&D startup? (e.g. designer, robotics, engineer, product development, management)

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* 8. Which of the following factors do you find most important when considering the longevity of a job?

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* 9. Given the previous questions, how would you feel about working for an  R&D start-up focused on cutting-edge technology such as Hyundai's New Horizons Studio?