Question Title

* Student Name

Question Title

* High School

Question Title

* Student Phone Number

Question Title

* Parent Phone Number

Question Title

* Date of Birth


Question Title

* Student Address

Question Title

* Have you been an exhibitor at The Sumter County Fair?

Question Title

* If yes, How many years? What did you exhibit?

Question Title

* Have you ever been to The Sumter County Fair?

Question Title

* If yes, what was your favorite part or memory of the fair? 

Question Title

* Currently Employed

Question Title

* If Yes, Current Employer

Question Title


Question Title

* ACT Score

Question Title

* SAT Score

Question Title

* Current College Credits

Question Title

* Have you been accepted to a College/University/Trade School

Question Title

* If yes, Name of Institution

Question Title

* Awards, Honors, or Recognition

Question Title

* Extracurricular Activities

Question Title

* Current or Past Jobs

Question Title

* Volunteer Experience

Question Title

* Hobbies and Interests

Question Title

* Essay and any additional information about yourself

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