POINT community consultation 

POINT is a charity which relies on funding to keep all the services we offer open. Yearly it costs us over £250,000 to run, so the threat of POINT one day having to close is very real if we cannot secure future funds. 

YOU can help us by giving vital feedback on POINT, what could be improved and suggestions on how we can grow and what we can offer in the future, to help us form future funding bids. 

Your feedback is SO important to us. 
1.Are you aware that POINT offers the following services? (Please tick all that apply)(Required.)
2.What do you think POINT does well? What are its strengths? Please list / write as many as you would like. 
(Think of all the things you think young people enjoy, have been helped with, are able to do, opportunities they've been given etc) 
3.What do you think would make POINT better? 
(What could we do better? Think of anything that comes to mind about on how we can improve our services) 
4.What would you like to see included in POINTs services for young people in the future?
(what new things would you like POINT to offer the young people and what existing projects/activities would you like POINT to continue)
5.If POINT were to permanently close - what impact do you think it would have on the community?
(What would be missed? Also think about what future young people would miss out on, would POINT closing be a bad thing?)
6.Now thinking from a young persons point of view - why do you think young people come to POINT? What do you think young people would want POINT to offer? What do they enjoy about POINT? How do you think THEY would like POINT to progress into the future?
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered