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Think Do Do Institute

Thank you for participating in this survey. There are no right or wrong answers. Some questions are open field and some are multiple choice. Most questions consists out of statements. You have 5 choices. Click one star (left) if you completely disagree and five stars (right) if you completly agree with a statement. If you do not have a preference or have too much doubt about a statement, click the middle star (three).

Knowing that the corona virus situation has affected everyone’s mindset, we have included several question that are specific to your mindset as a result of the corona virus.

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. In which neighborhood do you live?

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* 4. What option best describes your current job status or engagement in economic activities?

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* 5. What is your highest level of education attained?

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* 6. I want everyone to be treated justly, even people I don’t know.

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* 7. After the corona virus measures of the government on the 13th of March, I am more likely to sacrifice my personal interests for the greater good.

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* 8. I am satisfied with my life.

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* 9. I am proactive (take initiative) in meeting my clients' needs.

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* 10. After the corona virus measures of the government on the 13th of March, I am more likely to consider what my client’s needs are.

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* 11. My interest change from year to year.

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* 12. Setbacks don’t discourage me.

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* 13. I often get angry when I get feedback about my performance.

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* 14. I find my economic activity meaningful.

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* 15. After the corona virus measures of the government on the 13th of March, I am more convinced that my economic activity matters to society.

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* 16. So far I have gotten the important things I want in life.

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* 17. I finish whatever I begin.

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* 18. I often set a goal, but later choose to pursue a different one.

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* 19. I am confident that I can perform effectively on many different tasks.

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* 20. Compared to other people, I can do most tasks very well.

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* 21. I feel that my economic activity provides a scope for personal growth such as skill enhancement and career development.

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* 22. Overall, I expect more good things than bad things to happen to me.

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* 23. Being honest is important to me.

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* 24. When facing difficult tasks, I am certain that I will accomplish them.

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* 25. I have achieved a goal that took years of work.

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* 26. I become interested in new pursuits every few months.

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* 27. I try to figure out what my clients' needs are.

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* 28. It is important to me to protect the weak in society.

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* 29. I am willing to sacrifice personal interests for the greater good.

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* 30. When there is fundamental change, I struggle to come around to new ways of thinking.

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* 31. When one attempt fails, I learn from it and change my approach next time.

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* 32. I hardly ever expect things to go my way.

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* 33. I want to care for other people.

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* 34. I am always optimistic about my future.

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* 35. I have difficulty maintaining my focus on projects that take more than a few months to complete.

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* 36. Intelligence is something about me that I can’t change very much.

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* 37. I try to find out what kind of product/services will be most helpful to my clients.

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* 38. I have strategies in place for dealing with stress.

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* 39. In most ways my life is close to my ideal.

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* 40. In three to four years from now I expect things for me to be better.

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* 41. I strive to promote harmony in all groups.

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* 42. Even when things are tough, I can perform quite well.

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* 43. I am a hard worker.

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* 44. I have been obsessed with a certain idea or project for a short time, but later lost interests.

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* 45. I have overcome setbacks to conquer an important challenge.

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* 46. I will be able to achieve most of the goals that I have set for myself.

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* 47. After the corona virus measures of the government on the 13th of March, I have more confidence in the knowledge and skills that I already possess.

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* 48. I often go beyond my duties in order to meet my clients' needs.

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* 49. It is important for me to listen to people who are different from me. Even when I disagree with them, I still want to understand them.

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* 50. I am likely to recommend my area of economic activity to others.

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* 51. If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.

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* 52. I rarely count on good things happening to me.

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* 53. I am able to discuss my job and its challenges with people in my network.

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* 54. Truly smart people do not need to try hard.

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* 55. A good producer/worker has to have the clients' best interest in mind.

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* 56. It is important to me to protect the environment.

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* 57. It is important to me to respond to the needs of others.

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* 58. I am inspired by the purpose and mission of my economic activity

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* 59. I feel valued when engaging in my economic activity.

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* 60. The conditions of my life are excellent.

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* 61. After the corona virus measures of the government on the 13th of March, I feel more grateful for the things I have in life.

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* 62. The harder I work at something, the better I will be at it.

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* 63. After the corona virus measures of the government on the 13th of March, I am more likely to formulate and pursue long term goals.

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* 64. Forgiving people who might have wronged me is important to me. I try to see what is good in them and not to hold a grudge.

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* 65. I can always change how intelligent I am.

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* 66. After the corona virus measures of the government on the 13th of March, I am more likely to acquire new knowledge and skills.

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* 67. Asking for assistance reveals weakness.

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* 68. After the corona virus measures of the government on the 13th of March, I feel that I am more likely to be able to bounce back from bad times.

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* 69. My social support system (friends, family etc.) energizes rather than drains me.

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* 70. What option best describes your social support system?

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* 71. (OPTIONAL) If you would like to receive the result of this study when it is ready, please enter your e-mail address here. All information in this survey will be held confidential and used only for research. If you would like to separate your e-mail address from your survey response, but would still like to get a copy of the results, please request via separate e-mail to

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