UDIA recently hosted an industry breakfast asking “What does the future of residential construction look like”?   Discussion focused on 'alternative' and 'lightweight' housing construction materials and trends.

From the discussions, and following feedback after the event, it has been suggested Industry needs to come up with a different term to reference “lightweight” construction, so that we are not inadvertently disadvantaging this type of construction method by using a term that may have negative connotations for some people.

The Google Dictionary Definition of Lightweight is:

1. of thin material or build and weighing less than average;
2. lacking seriousness, depth, or influence.
Synonyms: thin, light, flimsy, insubstantial
(source: google dictionary)

Given the above, UDIA is keen to explore other words or terminologies that could be used to describe “lightweight” construction methods and materials, and we want your thoughts, ideas and input!

Question Title

* 1. What do you think should be the common term(s) used to describe lightweigt building products (i.e. products other than brick)?