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Are you interested in providing spiritual direction for members of our JVC community?

JVC is currently creating a nationwide list of spiritual directors interested in supporting Former Jesuit Volunteers (FJVs) and current JVs. Please fill out this survey if you are available and qualified to provide spiritual direction in any of the following contexts:
  • Spiritual direction for current JVs in retreat settings
  • Spiritual direction for current JVs during their program year
  • Spiritual direction for FJVs seeking accompaniment
Below, you will have the opportunity to indicate whether you are comfortable with your information being included in a database of spiritual directors to be shared with our JVC community. If you are interested in providing spiritual direction to our community but would prefer for your information to be visible only to JVC staff, just let us know!

Thank you for your support of our JVC community! We are thrilled to collect this information and provide JVs and FJVs with the opportunity to explore their spirituality with the support of a spiritual director.

Please forward this form along to any FJVs or friends of JVC who may be interested.

With gratitude,

Carter White (San Diego, CA 2017-18)
FJV Engagement Manager
About You

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Personal Information

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* 3. Are you a Former Jesuit Volunteer (FJV)?

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* 4. Are you affiliated with another Jesuit institution?

Educational Background

This database of spiritual directors is intended to include people who have been certified as a spiritual director or have an equivalent graduate degree.

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* 5. Undergraduate Education

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* 6. Postgraduate Education

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* 7. Additional Certifications for Spiritual Direction

Compensation and Fees

Spiritual direction for current JVs would be on a volunteer (pro-bono) basis.

Spiritual directors invited to participate in a JVC retreat will receive a stipend.

Spiritual direction fees for FJVs are up to your discretion as you make those individual arrangements.
Availability for Spiritual Direction

We would like to get a better sense for your availability to provide spiritual direction for members of the JVC community. If you are interested in supporting current JVs, FJVs, or both, please indicate so below!

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* 8. Please indicate the format of spiritual direction that you are comfortable offering at this time.

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* 9. Are you interested in providing spiritual direction to current JVs in a retreat setting?

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* 10. Are you interested in providing spiritual direction to current JVs on a volunteer basis?

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* 11. Are you interested in providing spiritual direction to members of the FJV community?

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* 12. Would you be comfortable with your responses being included in a database of spiritual directors, to be shared with JVs and FJVs seeking spiritual direction?

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* 13. Please provide a brief bio for yourself. This helps us to match JVs/FJVs seeking spiritual direction with a mentor that meets their preferences.

Example: Katie Dorner (Los Angeles 2013-14)

After a formative JVC year as Youth Minister at Dolores Mission Church, Katie completed a Masters of Arts in Theology and Ministry and a Master of Social Work at Boston College. Since graduate studies, she has served as a Campus Minister in high school and university settings. Katie completed a spiritual direction internship in the Ignatian tradition through Loyola University Chicago. As a trained spiritual director and certified yoga instructor, she founded Presence and Reverence, with the intention to make space for accompaniment, embodied prayer, discernment, and creative expression through yoga, spiritual direction, and retreat offerings. Katie currently works on JVC staff and loves journeying with young adults.

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