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The METRO Purple Line is a proposed bus rapid transit (BRT) line in Ramsey County that will connect with existing and future light rail and BRT service of the METRO system, including direct connections to the Green Line, Gold Line, B Line, G Line, and H Line, as well as local and express bus routes. The line will increase accessibility to jobs, housing, and services, thus improving the appeal and competitiveness of the east metro area. Visit metrotransit.org/Purple-Line for more information. 
The Purple Line's Community and Business Advisory Committee (CBAC) is established to provide guidance on community and business issues to the project’s Corridor Management Committee (CMC) that is made up of elected and appointed officials. The purpose of the CBAC is to serve as a voice for the corridor residential and business communities, advise the CMC, and:  
  • Serve as an information resource and liaison to the greater corridor community. 
  • Advise on communications and outreach strategies related to the Project.  
  • Provide input on project design and station area planning topics including but not limited to station design, transit-oriented development opportunities and access to stations (biking, walking, mobility device).
  • Identify potential issues and strategies to mitigate the impacts of construction and operation on residences and businesses. 
Project staff are currently studying a new route alternative that will run along Maryland, White Bear, and Beam avenues. There are 10 potential stations proposed along this new alternative that were not part of the project when the CBAC first formed in 2022. The Purple Line project is seeking new members to represent perspectives of residents and business along the new alternative. 

If you need assistance completing this survey or require language translation, please contact Colin Owens at colin.owens@metrotransit.org or 651-602-1977.

Question Title

* 1. Applicant Information

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Question Title

* 2.
Do you live, work or own a business near any of the following potential station locations? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. Will you represent a resident or business perspective? (select most applicable)

Question Title

* 4. If representing a business,

Question Title

* 5. I walk or use a mobility device to commute or complete errands one or more times per week.

Question Title

* 6. I bike in order to commute or complete errands one or more times per  

Question Title

* 7. I use transit in order to commute or complete errands one or more times  
per week.

Question Title

* 8. I belong to an organization with an interest in transit service in the  
Twin Cities metro.

Demographics (select most applicable)

Question Title

* 9. What is your age group?

Question Title

* 10. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 11. Do you have a disability?

Question Title

* 12. What is your race/national origin?

Question Title

* 13. How would you classify yourself and your house, if applicable? (select the most applicable choice)

Question Title

* 14. Please provide or attach a brief statement (250 words maximum) on the contributions you believe you can make through serving on the CBAC to shape the METRO Purple Line BRT Project.

Question Title

* 15. Attached statement (if applicable)

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