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* 1. Contact info

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* 2. Why do you want to take this class? What do you think you can offer to a team that would make you valuable?

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* 3. This program relies heavily on students with prior
- Design skills (physical or digital/app UI)
- CAD and physical maker/prototyping experience
- Coding/ app development
- Entrepreneurship/ Startup / Business experience
- Humanitarian aid / volunteer experience 
- Community outreach 
- International relations 
- Health

Please list your past experience with specific examples (if possible) in 1 or more of these categories.
You can also add a link to a PORTFOLIO and/or RESUME:

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* 4. If possible, please provide at least one reference who can verify some of your skills and experience mentioned above. This is not mandatory but helps us better understand your skills!

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* 5. Have you ever built a product, or created a service or started an initiative or business?  If yes, please tell us what you've created, how you created it and why. This can be anything- nothing is too small or trivial, and it didnt have to be successful or even work!
If not, tell us about an idea you have had for a business or product and how you would go about building it.

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* 6. Everyone is a maker, even if you don't realize it.
Provide links to photos, videos, sketches or other materials that showcase what you've created. Anything counts! It doesn't have to be professional quality- even a hobby or personal art project is fine. School/club projects are ok too, and it doesn't even have to be physical- Just show us when you have rolled up your sleeves and built something, anything - a great team, a new initiative, a better process or way of doing things!
You can also submit a link to your LinkedIn profile, Resume, or Portfolio.

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* 7. What's the most challenging project you have worked on? What was the toughest part?  What did you do? How did you adapt?

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* 8. What is a development area, a deficit, or a gap that you’ve had to overcome or improve in yourself? How was that identified, and what did you do to improve?

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* 9. Communication is so critical to team success. If you were part of a team that struggled with this, how did you manage poor communication or internal conflict resolution? What do you think are the biggest challenges to collaboration and how do you try to manage this?

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* 10. What is your favorite product and why? What would you change about it to make it even better?