English Español Français (Haïti) English Delaware Parents & Families Survey 2024 Do you live in Delaware and have a child under the age of 12? Please take this 5-10 minute survey. Your responses will be used to support advocacy efforts to improve child care options in Delaware. The survey is confidential and your participation is voluntary. You must be 18 years or older to participate. Questions can be directed to info@rodelde.org. Question Title * 1. How many children age 12 or younger live with you? Please write the number of children for each age group. If you do not have children in that age group, write 0. Ages 0-5 Ages 6-12 Question Title * 2. What kind of child care does your family use? (Select all that apply). Center-based or Head Start (group setting in the community) School-based (includes regular school day, e.g., private PreK, and before or after school programs with school staff) School-based setting offered by community partner (e.g. YMCA or Boys and Girls Club) Home-based (professionally licensed care in someone’s residence) Informal arrangement with friends or relatives Stay-at-home parent(s) Babysitter or nanny (at least three days a week) Summer camp Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Which county do you live in? New Castle Kent Sussex Question Title * 4. Which best describes your household's yearly income? Less than $31,000 $31,000 to $67,100 $67,100 to $102,400 More than $102,400 Question Title * 5. Which language do you mostly speak at home? English Spanish Haitian-Creole Another language (please specify) Question Title * 6. Does an adult in your family work in any of these industries? (Select all that apply.) Hospitality Healthcare Education Manufacturing Agriculture Business and finance Science and technology Other (please specify) Not applicable (N/A) Question Title * 7. Which of these statements are true for you and your family? (Select all that apply.) I struggle to find child care that meets my needs I struggle to afford child care that meets my needs I am in debt, at least partly because of the high cost of child care Other (please specify) Not applicable (N/A) Next